October 6, 2010

Day 275 - The Resident of Sherwood

I remember reading tales about you
Charging in to save the day
On the side of the good and true
Putting all the bad guys away
I dreamed of going back to your time
But such thoughts seemed like a nursery rhyme

Then one day I sat down in the park
A book in my hand, I sat under a tree
I read the poems until it was quite dark
It was then that the tears began to flow freely
The truths shared were so sad, I could not cope
But then to my astonishment a stranger presented hope

A wildflower with petals of red
Accompanied with a devilish grin
Not a single word was said
And then my world began to spin
Wondering who you could possibly be
To approach in the dark little old me

You tipped your hat and walked away
Taking my tears with you
I never thought of something to say
Except for a whispered "thank you"
I clutched the small flower tight
And walked home feeling happy and bright

I came to understand later that you are no legend
From a place I can only find in a book
You are my lover and closest friend
Who with a single flower my whole world shook
The earth is rich and it is from there you thieve
Blue bonnets and lilacs that make me believe

In you my brilliant Robin Hood
Living today on a street in a simple home
With the inspiring need to do good
Wherever it is that you roam
The man who has stolen my heart
With a mischievous grin, from the start

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