May 17, 2010

Day 133 - The Pool: Through a Swimmer's Eyes

The Pool: Through a Swimmer's Eyes

Pierce the glass smooth surface
With the precision of a knife
The water will softly your face kiss
And bring your limbs back to life
They speed and swim for life renewed
Erasing all memories of the day's earlier feud

The blue is a note of trusting your eyes
As the water trusts your smooth entrance
Soon one will learn to find no surprise
Only a sweet and pure sense
That rushes over you as droplets and waves
The pool, ultimately the swimmer, saves

Breath is not yours to take as you will
Oh no it is a gift you must carefully discover
Water is not something that you may spill
It is the difference between one world and the other
Embracing the swimmer to fly, dive and live
That is only the beginning of what it may give

It holds an ever sweet promise and escape
From all that the firm world of land shows
Wrapping old friends like an encouraging cape
Around a child's shoulders during the highs and lows
Yes it supplies the ultimate sanctuary
For those who yearn to live freely

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