January 31, 2010

Day 27 - Confessions of a Cuddling Cougher

Confessions of a Cuddling Cougher
Dedicated to Eric

Now if only it were short enough for a limerick
The expression of how long you and I have been sick
But rather it has gone on for some time
And requires a longer sort of rhyme
Winter has come and with it coughs and the flu
And feeling like this leaves no much to do
Then huddle in blankets and hope for embraces
That manage to light smiles on our faces

Thank goodness for love and all things NiFTY
They leave me feeling less sick and more happy
I hope for you it has done the same
And if not at least this poem mentions your name
Hopefully you and I will heal very soon
So that once again we can play under the moon
And in the sunshine even when it is cold
Because honestly this illness thing is getting old

Dearest readers,
I am most sorry to say both the photographer and I have been feeling under the weather (to say the least) for the last few days and so today's post is a very honest expression of that, with hopes and wishes that our dear photographer, feels better.
Keep warm and healthy!
~The Poet

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