March 9, 2010

Day 64 - Gesher Gadol --גשׁר גדוֹל

Gesher Gadol -- גשׁר גדוֹל 

Slow down darling it will zoom by
Here are moments that will not last forever
The picture perfect shade of sky
The times that we stand together
They have their limits though that is dark
Each distinct person will leave their mark
The road we take sounds so cliché
For every poet writes such verses
But there is brilliance in each day
When one truly immerses
Into the mystery love beckons out
Calling us to dance all about
The soundtrack of our lives is playing
As the montage of memories reviews
There are so many things it is saying
Swirling in so many fiery hues
This is just the bridge between times
Not even the completion of all the rhymes
Do not speed past or make haste
There is so much living to be done
In our wishes and eyes much is encased
Glowing like the setting sun
The answer we need not discover
As long as we stand with one another

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